Customer segment oil & gas refering


Improve productivity & get more ecological processes with gases

Oil and Gas Refining

Oil and Gas Refining

By definition, crude oil and natural gas are the raw materials of the petrochemical industry, with inert gases such as N2 and CO2 already used on a large-scale during their extraction. The processing of crude oil to the desired end products involves several steps. Again, gases from Messer are used in many of these process steps.

Customer process for oil and gas refining


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Dr. Nina
van Gellecom
Manager Chemical applications
Senior Manager Chemical & Environmental applications

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Dr. Nina
van Gellecom
Manager Chemical applications

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PSA units – air is all you need


The PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) process is based on the physical adsorption properties of specially treated molecular sieves. PSA units only need clean, dry air in order to generate N2 cost-effectively and with purities of up to 99.9% (nitrogen). This air is compressed up to 10 bar, purified and then passed through vessels filled with the carbon molecular sieves (CMS). A continuous nitrogensupply is achieved by switching the gas stream: while one vessel is in operation, the other is regenerated by reducing the pressure. The unwanted gas components are released into the atmosphere.

NITROGEN GENERATOR                                                  Benefits for our Customers:                 

  • Capacity: 250 up to 1 500 Nm3/h Nitrogen                                          Low long-term operating cost
  • Purity: 97 – 99.9% (4% to 1 000 p, O2)                                                Designed for 24x7 operations
  • Supply pressure 4-10 bar(g)                                                                 Safe, reliable, simple to operate, easy to maintain
  • Operating range: 100-80%                                                                   Short construction time (~7-9 month)
  • Low specific power: 0,35 -0,6 kWh/Nm³                                               Significant Reduction of CO2 emissions
  • Modular Design feasible
  • Back-up vaporizers and storage

Reliable backup supply
A secure supply from a backup source – just in case it is ever needed – is the icing on the cake of any onsite concept,  allowing the consumer to sleep easy with regard to the gas supply, even when there are maintenance downtimes, power cuts or other unforeseeable events. Our regional logistics network with centrally managed Europe-wide coordination, combined with sophisticated production planning, ensures that every single customer receives a reliable supply of technical gases from Messer, even during planned and unplanned downtimes.


The nitrogen produced by the PSA nitrogen generator is ideal for the chemical, oil and gas, automotivepharmaceutical, agricultural and food industries, electronics and other industries including production of lithium-ion batteries.

Based on the requirements, wishes of the client and the agreed conditions, the PSA nitrogen generator with a backup system will be installed on the client's territory. The system allows to guarantee the continuous supply of the customer's production with gas of the required volume and pressure

Messer will provide a tailor-made solution according to your requirements and wishes

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Productivity increase, production throughput and ecological improvement with gases, expertise & know-how, onsite trials, research and development, commercial offers

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